Thanks. It's not too bad for a 1st effort & aging eyes. I'm going to get
one of those fish viewers like Dave had on the Conasauga trip. That way,
the fish are in focus and they can't turn. The main stream I want to hit at
Rising Fawn is Allison Creek. It has tons of warpaints & rosefin shiners.
After that, I'm up for anything. Pick us a rendezvous point near your
place, 'cause we have to come up to Chattanooga to catch I-59 South anyway.
We could go over the mountains quicker, but it would add more mileage.
At 03:35 PM 5/30/01 EDT, you wrote:
>hey steve...
>that is a easy to view pic site w/ notes and the ability to zoom in.
>i hope you can photo our next rising fawn next week.
>we need more close-ups of president bruce tho... just to let the folks know
>what kind of character is really in charge :)
>definitly more closeups of the little fishes. practice some closeups at
>its free!
>great color tho. and scenery. and rez.
>i have not heard from geoff yet... maybe he is already on the road? he needs
>to be aware that rising fawn straddles to completely different drainages...
>thus much more options.
>i hope people take the time to look at these and read bruce and daves report.
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