Re: NANFA-- brown trout, ecology and personal viewpoint
Wed, 30 May 2001 17:02:59 EDT

In a message dated 5/29/101 1:13:54 PM EST, writes:

<< To state that an
exotic fish should be stocked into streams with other native fishes as a
replacement for native species because it is somehow "better" (better than
brook trout because they're prettier, or more challenging to catch, or
what?), or most valued (to whom?) doesn't make sense from an ecological
viewpoint, or for some of us, an environmentally-ethical viewpoint. >>

Thanks for clearing up some of the facts. I would rather have people
correcting some of my viewpoints rather than not, because that's the way we
learn. Learning is an on-going process, and without making mistakes we simply
would not learn. Learning this stuff is important to me right now, being 16,
especially because I plan to become a fisheries biologist, or another postion
working in the field of limnology. Thanks to all who shared their knowledge
and position on the topic (especially George Arndtg), I now know how to
better share my opinions and look at all sides of the issue better. It is
important for everyone to have an open mind on a subject, even if they "know"
they are right. I cannot generalize on a subject as much (ex. brown trout are
non-destructive). Well, they may not be real destructive in Michigan, but
other places(and in the long run) they are very much so. They may be very
helpful in some aspects, but not so much in others. Anyways, this list is
very valuable to me, and I can't wait to continue to learn. ___Dan
Marshall, MI Out in 2 weeks!

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