Re: NANFA-- Pygmy Sunfish Connections

Irate_Mormon (
Sun, 05 May 2002 05:12:40 -0500

At 03:40 PM 5/5/02, you wrote:

>Hi Martin,
>Sorry but I'll have to beg off of your trip also...............

Drat. I missed out on Jim and the gang today because of nagging wife
complaining "I hate those damn fish, you're never home, blah blah blah",
now I have to go by myself AGAIN. Guess I'll do those coastal rivers
instead. Hey, I'm available Tuesday and Wednesday, anybody :-) Really,
I'm serious. I had planned a canoe/seining trip on the Pearl.


Jackson, MS
Probably the earliest flyswatters were nothing more than some sort of
striking surface attached to the end of a long stick.
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