Sorry but I'll have to beg off of your trip also...............
----- Original Message -----
From: Irate_Mormon <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2002 9:45 AM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Pygmy Sunfish Connections
> At 09:31 PM 5/4/02, you wrote:
> >eels), and atherinomorphs (rainbowfishes, killifishes, etc.). They even
> >proposed a name for this new group -- Smegmamorpha -- an acronym using
> >initials (S-M-E-G-M-A) of the six taxa which comprise the group. In
> >addition, the name derives from the Greek and Latin smegma, meaning
> >cleansing or cleansing agent. In this usage, the name refers to the
> >"expectation that grouping these taxa will have the effect of cleaning up
> >tidying the systematics of higher teleosts . . .".
> Somebody is having their little joke, methinks. SMEGMA, indeed. The
> authors were no doubt Monty Python fans as well.
> Prost,
> Martin
> Jackson, MS
> -------------------
> Life's a fish and then you fry.
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