Re: NANFA-- Fabulous Fishes and intriguing personality test

Irate_Mormon (
Wed, 08 May 2002 01:54:05 -0500

At 01:06 PM 5/8/02, you wrote:

>I don't recall hearing about the melanistic chrysotus before. (No
>surprise...sometimes I can't recall yesterday.) If you have any pics of
>them, I'd really like to see them. If you have any you'd like to trade,
>that would be even better!

No pics, I fear. I've heard of melanistic chrysotus from some of the NFC
guys , but they don't sound anything like these. There is a local breeder
who has really enhanced the red pigmentation too - really beautiful if
you're into artificial strains (I'm not).


Jackson, MS
Life's a fish and then you fry.
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