Re: NANFA-- Possible NE Tennessee Trip

geoff and julie kimber (
Fri, 10 May 2002 22:01:20 -0400

I also would prefer July. It's MUCH sooner than Sepember :)

Geoff Kimber
Lexington, KY

----- Original Message -----
From: "Roselawn Museum" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Possible NE Tennessee Trip

> Hi Ranger Bob
> I like the July window better than September. By then I'll need a
> course on throwing the cast net. It sure looks a lot easier when YOU do
> Steven A. Ellis
> Kennesaw, GA
> >
> >Casper and all,
> >
> >Unfortunately, I think all my weekends are booked through at least the
> >of June. July is pretty dang hot. August is the 2002 NANFA National
> >Meeting. I'm willing to shoot for sometime in July if anybody is
> >interested. Should be good snorkeling (low, warm water). Otherwise, I'm
> >leaning toward September. Y'all let me know offlist.
> >
> >The park Casper mentioned is Bays Mountain Park, where I am a ranger. We
> >have a fairly new freshwater exhibit, amongst many other things.
> >
> >
> >
> >As for collecting, most of mine is actually in southwest VA, including
> >Possum Cr. and Big Moccasin Cr. (tribs of N. Fork Holston River), and
> >Copper Cr. and Clinch River. These are the headwaters of the Tennessee
> >Valley, so there are quite a few interesting fish to see.
> >
> >I have 2 available lodging options, both free. The cabin on Possum Cr.
> >a nice outhouse (good ventilation), running water (in the creek outside
> >front door), electricity (if we bring a half-mile extension cord), and
> >comfortable beds (if you think a wood floor is comfortable). Space there
> >kinda limited, maybe 6-8 people if everybody takes a dip in the creek
> >before bed (to reduce BO).
> >
> >The second option is we could spend the night at the park in one of the
> >buildings with indoor plumbing (even a shower) and electricity.
> >
> >Let me know which month you might prefer, July or September, and I will
> >a date. If anybody is visiting the Kingsport area, drop me a line. I'll
> >give you the nickel tour of the Park, and maybe take you to some of my
> >secret fishing spots.
> >
> >
> >Ranger Bob
> >Kingsport, TN
> >
> >"Oh we're all part of a big food chain, the big food chain of life.
> >You eat things and things eat you, and it works out so nice.
> >We're all part of a great big stew and someday you'll discover
> >We're born, we live, we die, and we're all food for one another."
> >~Mike Cross, "Big Food Chain"

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