NANFA-- FW: letter of intention

Jay DeLong (
Mon, 13 May 2002 14:30:56 -0700

-----Original Message-----
From: panaitescu alin
Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2002 6:32 AM
Subject: letter of intention

Saving Romanichthys valsanicola – now or never

Romanichthys valsanicola Dumitrescu, Banarescu et
Romanichthys: roumanian fish
valsanicola: who live in the Valsan River
Common names:asprete(roumanian),
sculpin-perch(english), groppen-barsch(german),
Origin:Valsan River, Arges Basin, Southern
Carpathians, Romania

Classification :Perciformes –Percides – tribe

Letter of intention

My name is Panaitescu Alin, and, in the present, I
study as a student in the 4th year at the Faculty of
Biology, of the University in Bucharest, section
Animal Biology.I have been an active member of
Aquaterra for four years( an ecological society which
develops its work in the sphere of activies
coordinated by the University Bucharest, and this year
I decided to make a study in my diploma on
Romanichthys valsanicola.I am also implied in the Life
project, directed by the Academician Petru Banarescu
who is interested in saving and protecting
Romanichthys valsanicola.
I made this choice because I was born and spent my
childhood in Curtea de Arges, nearby a river called
Valsan,and this fish interested me since that early
age.I would like very much to found an ecological
society under the name of “Romanichthys valsanicola”,
which function in my native village.I would be really
concerned with the protection of this “living fossil”,
by opening a club for children and for pupils who
really love nature.The ecological society which I
am going to set bases of will undoubtedly recive the
practical support of the Biology prof. from Curtea de
Arges, and, of course, with the help of the Faculty of
Biology in Bucarest.
Bat, as I am at the beginning of this project, any
support coming from your part would represent one more
chance in successfully realising this project.

My e-mail adrress is :

Letter d’intention

Je m’appelle Panaitescu Alin, et a ce moment je
suis etudiant en 4-eme annee a la Faculte de Biologie
de l’Universite de Bucarest, section Biologie
Animale.Je participe activement en tant que membre
d’Aquaterra depuis 4 ans(une societe ecologique qui
fonctionne dans le cadre des activites coordonnees
sous l’egide de l’Universite de Bucarest) et cette
annee je veux soutenir mon diplôme sur Romanichthys
valsanicola..Je me suis aussi implique dans le project
Life, sous la direction de l’Academicien Petru
Banarescu qui s’occupe de la sauvegarde et la
protection de Romanichthys valsanicola.
J’ai fait ce choix parce que je suis originaire de
Curtea de Arges, aux alentours d’une riviere appelee
Valsan, et ce poisson m’a eveille l’interet depuis mon
enfance.Je voudrais fonder une societe ecologique
ayant le nom de Romanichthys valsanicola qui
fonctionne dans ma ville natale et qui s’occupe
vraiment de la protection de ce fossille vivant par
l’ouverture d’un club qui vise les enfants et les
eleves qui aiment la nature.
La societe ecologique que je vais former aura tout le
support pratique des professeurs de Biologie de Curtea
de Arges et, bien sur, en cooperation avec la Faculte
de Biologie de Bucarest.
Mais comme je suis au debut de ce project, toute
aide viendrait de votre part represente une chance de
plus dans la reussite de ce project.

Mon e-mail est :

Mon addresse :
Roumania ,Curtea de Arges,strada Posada, bl.A5, sc.B,
Et.4, Ap.19, Tel.048727394
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