Fish I saw in Hawaii (was: Re: NANFA-- Possible NE Tennessee

Doug Dame (
Wed, 15 May 2002 15:34:04 -0400

Steven A. Ellis wonders:

>> What kind of fish did you see in Hawaii?

[stage directions: this to be expressed in the same tone as Bill Murray's line
from Stripes, "Arrrrrrrmmmy Training, Sir !!!!" ]

"Saaaaaaaltw'ter fish, Sir !!!!!"

We did some shallow-water snorkeling at several sites on Oahu, saw lots of
assorted tangs & surgeon fish, butterflies, wrasses, triggers, parrotfish,
blennies, flounders, moorish idols, damsels, goatfish, snappers, mullet, etc.
Obviously they have a lot of varieties I hadn't seen before while swimming in
Florida or Caribbean waters. Swam along with a hawksbill turtle for a bit.

The neatest thing we saw was a live chambered nautilus ... tres spiffy. But it
was in close-to-dark conditions, and none of my pictures came out. (This was
at the Waikiki Aquarium, which I thoroughly enjoyed.)

I had heard that in some places, where the fish are well-used to people, you
can get them up close by waving a freezer bag that has a few green peas in it.
So one night we went out for a Chinese dinner, and I carefully brought back 8
peas to use as bait. And then of course I totally forgot to pack them for any
of our day excursions. I hope the next set of people checking into that condo
unit had read the same thing I did, otherwise they're gonna wonder "What kind
of really weird person keeps eight leftover peas in a container in the

Doug Dame
Interlachen FL
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