Another thing that we need to realize is that our systems are very dynamic
and they take a long time to mature. We are taught as beginning hobbyists
that a tank will cycle in 3-6 weeks and you are on your way. Although it
is true, we need to realize that it takes months, sometimes years, for our
tanks to become ecologically stable. If we do all the right things
(properly feed, water changes, bioload correct) then it takes a while for
the tank to balance out. To build a natural aquarium, it takes time and
persistence and we need to understand the ecological aspects if we want to
recreate nature.
Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216-661-6500 ex 4485
"Fish worship... is it wrong??" (Ray Troll)
On Thursday, May 16, 2002 11:23 AM, [SMTP:Prizma at]
> algae...
> for plants i was told get lots of quality light. i added a set of compact
> flor... very bright indeed. then i grew tons of algae. to combat this im
> told... to reduce the light i just bought! and do water changes. my water
> a lot of minerals in it. this does not help.
> gee before all this i had 2 4' bulbs over a 55 filled w/ lush java fern
> moss and anubias... all low light plants. very nice... full of fl fish...
> killies. now ive got an expensive light system and all kinds of algae!
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