Re: NANFA-- Baby bowfin and bass tapeworm

R. W. Wolff (
Sat, 18 May 2002 21:05:58 -0500

I had a bowfin once for a couple years. When it was around 13 inches I found
it dead one morning, the entire tank had looked like it was "T.P.ed" with
tapeworms, it was arched back with its mouth wide open. It was really sad
for me since this was my second pet bowfin, and it had become really tame
over the time I had it. I also seen this with tiny babies, that are fed
and seem to waste away, but did not notice any tapeworms. I read somewhere
their is a host specific tapeworm that only effects bowfins, forgot where I
read it though.

By the way, great article in the AC on the bowfin.

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