NANFA-- Re: flubendazole

geoff and julie kimber (
Sun, 19 May 2002 17:26:16 -0400

There was also another thread on this subject last spring on the killi
list -

there was one response that was important -

flubendazole is not panacur

Panacur is fenbendazole, but the author of the message stated that he had
the same results as with flubendazole.

I did find a source of flubendazole on the web along with another good
reason to go to Tampa-

The Florida Tropical Fish Farms Association has a store that will sell to
the public. They will sell 50 gm of flubendazole for $12.55 for
non-members. If you don't want to download the whole catalog, the item
number is 0491.

The website is and their phone number is

Here's the directions one person used for treating worms:

If you buy this stuff be careful - the catalog does not say that it is 5% -
it just says "50gm" and the above instructions talk about using 5%
flubendazole. If you use pure flubendazole when you should be using 5% you
will overdose by 20-fold. (5% = 5gm/100gm)

If you want to make 5% flubendazole outof pure flubendazole, add 50 gm pure
flubendazole to 950gm (about 1kg) of 'something else'. In this case, I'd
recommend a very fine sea salt. Mix *really* well.

This is not stuff I have used, I just found a source and instructions and
did some calculations that I thought might be interesting. For my day job,
I'm a pharmacist and aquatic medications interest me somewhat.

Geoff Kimber
Lexington, KY
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