Bowfin, Pirate Perch, Central Mudminnow ( Easterns can be used too), Grass
pickeral ( redfins and juvenile northerns can be used as well), Golden
shiners, brassy minnow, fathead minnow ( try the pink form for some color?),
blacknose shiner, blackchin shiner, finescale dace, northern red belly dace,
pearl dace, black bullhead ( yellows and browns seem to prefer deeper
water), tadpole madtoms, blackstripe topminnow, northern starhead topminnow,
brooke stickle back, pumpkinseed, black crappie, iowa darter and least
darter. Many of these fish have similar species from elsewhere that can
work. In particular the killis and elassomas. The best of the species I
listed ( ones that turn up in the oddest shallow waters far from deeper fish
water, and seem to survive winter and such) would be the mudminnow,
stickleback, northern red belly dace , tadpole madtom and iowa darter. The
first two of those being the most adventurous. I have found pools in low
lieing areas miles from stagnant ditches ( the closest source of
introduction during flooding) with populations of those fish doing well,
along with amphibian larvae of all kinds, and neat invertrabrates of all
types as well, from fingernail clams and pond snails to large diving beetles
and crawfish. Any of the insects you mentioned that have flying adults
should show up on there own. They seem to be attracted to dark shiny areas.
Often dark cars are bombarded with all sorts of water beetles on sunny days,
with the beetles trying to get through the "surface" of the paint.
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