I'm trying to work it the other way, shipping plants, fish and freshwater
crusteaceans from sources in Singapore, Thailand, japan and HK into the US
and Canada for sale. On a small scale the postal service works OK but, i
need to find a way to economically ship large amounts into the US. Fed Ex
will do it but only by the container and only airport to airport. A small 20
ft container will hold about 100 styroboxes with close to US$200,000 worth
of plants and fish. If I can line up the wholesalers I can ship just about
> > Andy and i sent the fish through the regular post. The Japanese post
> > will accept live plants, seeds and bulbs through express mail.
> > won't accept live fish but I have sent them labelled as plants.
> > >
> > >Hi Edward Venn and others,
> > >
> > >Can anyone clue me in on the proper procedures of shipping "scientic
> > >samples"
> > >of fish into Japan, hassle-free?
Edward Venn,
SMG Holdings Co., Ltd.,
Deux Chateaux Blanc 2-303,
1356 Kobuchi, Kasukabe,
Saitama, Japan
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