> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-nanfa_at_aquaria.net On Behalf
> Of Bob Wiltshire
> Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 11:08 AM
> Subject: NANFA-- Feeding Crappies
> Bob,
> Crappie eat just about anything that moves and is small enough to fit into
> their rather large mouths. The favorite is small fish, though they do eat
> invertebrates. That is, of course if you intend to keep them in
> captivity....otherwise try a lead-head jig, or a Clouser's deep minnow
> Just kidding. They can be adapted(forced) to eat prepared food, I am
> but I have never tried it. Besides it is more fun to watch the fear of
> minnows as they try to flee being eaten.
> Mean old KITD
> Does anyone have a suggestion as to what to feed Black
> Crappies? We have a group of four wild fish about 6".
> Any suggestions?
> Bob
> --
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