Re: NANFA-- LIttle River

Mike Bessert (
Tue, 21 May 2002 15:48:49 -0700

Steven -

You don't know exactly how good that sounds. I only wish I could attend.
Unfortunately, I have to live in the lab these days (that is, if I plan on
graduating someday). Still... I do need to collect a few more fish for one
of my projects. Hmmmm... do you ever come across bullhead minnows
(Pimephales vigilax) in your area? I really would like an "official" excuse
to head down south for some stream snorkeling... and to meet some of the
illustrious "NANFA southern" contingent.

Mike Bessert
Lincoln, NE

> Yep, tired of waiting for spring to come to your area of the country? Spend
> Memorial Day weekend in the South. Join us on Saturday at the Little River
> and watch the world-famous Snorkelmeister rassle (wrestle, to you) a
> five-foot gar with his bare hands! Watch Prez frighten federal park rangers
> with his Charles Manson stare. And watch me try to see underwater without
> my bifocals. Adventure, drama, comedy...something for everyone!
> Steven A. Ellis
> Kennesaw, GA
> At 03:06 PM 5/21/02 EDT, you wrote:
>> the little river, this saturday! noon eastern time at the foot of the
>> mountain park.
>> bring your families and snorkle gear.
>> beautiful area. lots of fish. the water should be clear if we dont get any
>> big rains.
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