> From: "Tom Watson" <onefish2fish_at_attbi.com>
> Reply-To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
> Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 20:03:15 -0700
> To: "NANFA LIST" <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
> Subject: NANFA-- Need Credit Info
> As part of my project to PDF a complete set of 'American Currents' I found a
> hand writen note attached to the 1976, vol.4, no 1, appologizing for the
> ommision of credit on two articles, both by the same Jim P??ts (I think). The
> articles were "Relationships Between Aquatic Plants and Reproduction in
> Fishes" and "Notes on Kentucky Fishes"
> I believe this note was distributed with the AC issue. Can anyone tell me who
> Jin P????? is so that I can do some touch up?
> PS: The note was signed by Bob Sparks
> Thanks!
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