Re: NANFA-- OT: common snapping turtle- export #'s 2000-2002

Joshua L Wiegert (
Fri, 2 May 2003 21:37:39 -0600 (MDT)

THe craziness for the baby turtles is not likely to end. Even the adults
(4" or larger) are sold as disposables -- people buy them and expect a
kitten that htey can keep in a fish tank. THey're most surprised when
they find out that the turtle doesn't respond like a kitten when little
Jimmy plays with it. Very quickly, little Jimmy gets bored with it.

Whenever we got baby turtles from customers, if they were in the store for
even a short period (they went home with an employee as a grow out, and
were never for sale) customers would go nuts. I remember one instance of
a bidding war before I Could explain they were not for sale. Another
store in the area regularly buys and sells the baby turtles, and makes a
killing on them. Something about cute, little green things. . . . .
people don't seem to understand that they grow big and fast, aren't
cuddly, and have special needs.

Joshua L. Wiegert
NFC Lists Administrator          
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I'm an apatheist. The question is no longer interesting, and the answer no longer matters.

... Had this been an actual emergency, we would have fled in terror, and

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