> What I'm asking is for the complete recipe. You must use spices? How to
> you prepare a turtle for cooking? Gutting a muskrat is easy, how do you
> remove a turtle from it's shell, etc.? I'm looking for details.
I am afraid we weren't too fancy back in those days and I wasn't doing the
cooking. As I recall it was fried after rolling in egg and flour and then
gravy was made over it. To cut a snapper out of it's shell first you cut off
the head, leave as much of the neck as possible. Then you nail the shell to a
board and cut the shell apart at either side at the point where the two
halves come together. Cut any connecting tissue as you open the shells up,
throw out the guts and cut all the meat, legs, and neck from the shell
halves. Peel any skin away from the meat dip it in egg and roll it in flour
spiced to your own tastes. A good fried chicken type spiced flour works well.
A good seafood breader might work as well but we didn't have anything like
that when I was growing up.
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