I was surprised to come across a new acquisition titled A Guide to Common
Freshwater Invertebrates of North America" by J. Reese Voshell, Jr. The book
was published in 2002 but I had never seen or heard of it before. A quick
perusal through its pages and plates indicates that it could be a very good
quick guide for those with at least a passing interest in freshwater inverts.
It's only 441 pages so it obviously is not comprehensive but useful. Has
anyone else ever happened across this book and have any comments?
We have had many invert discussions on this list and I have been toying with
the idea of writing a comparison:contrast article for AC on the various invert
books available. Chris, would this be appropriate for AC? Would anyone be
interested in such an article?
Rob Denkhaus
Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge
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