Re: NANFA-- Dollar Sunfishes and other Southern Species

Mysteryman (
Wed, 07 May 2003 01:24:38 -0700

A greenhouse is one of those things at the very top of my want-list. Oh,
As for the Sailfins, I would imagine they'd spawn very similarly. Of
course, you'll have to feed them even better than I did mine, since the
males will have to expend a lot of resources on growing their breeding
finnage, which of course isn't a problem with Flagfins.
You wanna know what I'd really like? I'd like a big display tank filled
with the entire hypselopterus complex:
P. hypselopterus, signipinnis, grandipinnis, euryzonas, and merlini.
Yeah! It would be nice to see them all together for ready comparison.
I'd even throw in some welakas & hubbsis to finish out the genus.

That reminds you guys think that welaka & hubbsi should be in
the same genus or subgenus as the rest? I thought they came up with the
"Ptero" to keep them separate, but now they're all lumped together
again. It seems obvious to me that their finnage should set them apart,
but then I'm a diehard "splitter." Oh, sure, they're pretty similar in
lots of ways, but their different in about as many. Ah, well. I think I
heard a rumor that the group was being reworked again?

At any rate, good luck, Jeff! If you have a tubful of Coastals, you must
be doing something right! If you'd like to try Ironcolors, they should
likely be very similar, and they're in peak spawning season now. I found
a big school of them the other day, and they were glorious; I'd never
seen them in full color before, so it was worth clambering over all that
talus rock to get to them. They sure are a lot smarter & faster than
Flagfins! Flagfins just sit there and let you catch them, but not these
> Nice to see that others are doing interesting stuff this spring.
> I have also been following the Mysteryman's thread about the Flagfin
> Shiners and am looking forward to similar success with the closely
> related Sailfin Shiner. I recieved a batch of these last fall but I
> don't think any of them survived the winter. They may have been older
> spawned out fish.
> On the other hand the Coastal Shiners which were origionally thought to
> be Taillight Shiners spawned very prolifically in the greenhouse pond
> last summer.
> Now if I can get Sailfins or Taillights to do that- I'd have it made!
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