NANFA-- phoxinus erythrogaster breeding

geoff (
Fri, 16 May 2003 16:13:14 -0400

Last fall, I received some red belly dace from Kansas, before I figured out
where to collect them locally.

I have been out of town for a week, but right before I left, all my female
dace got red for a day and then got skinny. After this happened to all the
females, the males lost their red. I removed the adults from the tank and
promptly left town.

I came back today and find a couple dozen free swimming juvenile fish.

I need to leave in a few minutes and I won't return until sunday night late.

feeding questions:

First, this needs to be easy because my wife needs to do it. She also has 3
juvenile kimberlings to take care of while I am gone.

What can we feed the fish this weekend and in the long haul? I have green
water and daphnia, along with freeze dried daphnia and flake. Will any of
these work for now? What should I use for the long run? I'm thinking about
newly hatched baby brine shrimp.

Gotta run to my plane. THis wuold happen on the most inconvenient weekend

geoff Kimber
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