NANFA-- RE: Weird Bluegill behavior?

Terri Vance (
Wed, 21 May 2003 19:42:46 -0400

>From: "Thomas Vetre" <>
>Can you suggest some pellet foods for them?
>Also, they seem to take the shrimp pellets I drop in for them and spit them
>back out immediately.

I was able to wean my Redbreasted sunnie onto pellets quite easily. 1st I
starved him for a few days (probably the most vital step in any sunnie weaning
program). I then gave him Hikari Discus pellets, which list bloodworms as one
of the main ingredients. Once he became used to gulping down any of these
that hit the water, I switched over to a less costly pellet. He now tries to
swallow ANYTHING that hits the water.worms. pellets. my fingertips :--)
Also, he has become so tame as to even snatch larger food items right from my
fingers (emphasis on LARGER, else he'll try to swallow treat & fingers all in
one bite!).
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