Re: NANFA-- not thinking-long

R. W. Wolff (
Fri, 23 May 2003 10:29:50 -0500

>what can be done about that really tough string algae?

I just scoop it out with a net, rake or my hand. I have not really found
anything that eliminates it all together. It is very irritating because you
can remove it and it will be back in no time. Flagfish work in my killi
pond, but I can't have them everywhere, and serveral dace species should
work but I have not been able to test them well enough yet. Goldfish and
golden shiners work too, but they both like to eat baby fish. Some kinds of
snails help, but unless they start out with it, I doubt they could keep up.
Stonerollers seem to work well in part of my gar pond, but they don't like
to stay above the falls.

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