Re: NANFA-- breeding tail light shiners

geoff (
02 May 2004 22:31:47 -0400

Thanks, Chris

I will build a nest to help convince them it's spawning season. THe
females are still fat with eggs, so I know that they haven't dumped them
yet. The males are also coloring back up. Who knows.

Lexington, KY

On Sun, 2004-05-02-in-11:14, Christopher Scharpf wrote:
> > Does anyone know the breeding habits of tail light shiners? Do they scatter
> > their eggs or make a nest?
> No notropine minnows make nests; they are all broadcaster. However,
> taillights are known to spawn over Micropterus nests, so they are
> facultative nest associates.
> Cowell and Barnett (1974) report FL taillights spawning late March to early
> Oct. a 23-32C. In the aquarium, eggs held-in-23C hatched 60-72 hr after
> fertilization. They mature in 6-9 months and usually live for just a year
> (in the wild).
> Chris Scharpf
> Baltimore
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