On the original topic, I like to do this-in-one of my large distributors. They
very often have "odd" fish mixed in with the other tropicals. I haven't found
anything spectacular yet, but it's fun to look.
BG Granier wrote:
> Casper,
> Wish that I could, but the LFS's have all but gone out-of-business down
> here! The Petsmart's and Petco's have taken over and are not user-friendly
> at-all...........
> Had a friend that was breeding African Cichlids by the 1000's and guess
> what, he arrived-in-his aquaculture farm one morning to find that all his
> stock had been poisoned, sabotaged and therefore ruined his operation.
> They didn't burn him out, just used chemical methods to ruin him and that's
> what I find so suspicious, if you know what I mean!
> Maybe I'm paranoid, but I don't think so. Have you ever tried to even "give"
> fish to a big retailor that I've previously mentioned? They say that they
> have no way to accept them........hummmmmm.
> BG
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