RE: NANFA-- I NEED FISH! and Ohio happenings...

Chip Rinehart (
Tue, 4 May 2004 12:32:13 -0400

While it's not in Ohio, if you come down to the convention in SC, I can
guarantee that you will find enough Fundulus, Enneacanthus, and Elassoma to
fill your tank(s) up. Should be plenty of folks from up that way coming
down if you need to hitch a ride with someone.

Chip in SC

-----Original Message-----
From: matt ashton
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 11:07 AM
Subject: NANFA-- I NEED FISH! and Ohio happenings...

Okay I am abuot ready to kick this grass pike to the road that I have been
house sitting for. Since the trading post stuff came up if anyone has any
fry yoy or stuff they collect and have excess of pleaes email me off list
about it.

Todd, Mark, Nick, etc Ohio people...I know the IN thing happened but is
anything possibly within the state going to happen soon. I snagged (no pun)
a probable new memeber on when i saw a post about
catching stonecats via hook and line. He is very exctied about seeing the
nanfa site and about other people in the area that like to collect and keep.
Maybe somethign with new members in the past year would be nice. Either way
I am in dire need of fish still, I really really would like to go the route
of Lepomis, Fundulus, Etheostoma ( I REALLY miss my Iowa Darters from 2002
convention) just beacuse my tank doesnt have much current, and it has a
thick plant base which is going wild (Sand bed of course, Todd), but I also
would love to keep Ennecanthus and pygmies if I could. If only the bait
stores in Ohio had fun odd balls like what was talked about earlier.

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