I also found some big breeding Greenside Darters and smaller tesselated darters in Mud Creek with some nice fantails and Central Stonerollers. Greensides are awesome in color, fins such a gorgeous green with gren and red bodies. The usual fantastic Rainbow Darters in Sandy Creek as well as Stonecats, fantails, hornyhead chubs and young Rockbass. Also today I sampled Schoharie Creek near Esperance NY. Water was very high and fast. Got some young greensides, fantails and longnose dace. I guess I've never gotten longnose dace in breeding colors before, wow they were sharp. A red blotch-in-the base of each fin and snout, side and back dark slate gray with scattered sparkles and a thin black midlateral stripe topped with a thin luminescent border. Had to bring some of those home.
Mike Lucas
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