One point that I'd like to ask everyone to consider: the list has grown
over the years, with more and more people participating. A single off topic
post can generate 40 or 50 e-mails to wade through.
When it's all finished, you usually have two sides who still don't see eye
to eye, and maybe some hurt feelings in the process. If you're not
particularly interested in seeing an off topic issue discussed without much
resolution, then it gets a little frustrating. I don't think cutting the
discussion short does that much of a disservice.
I don't see curbing these discussions as an infringement on some members
rights but as a consideration for the rest of us who aren't interested in
peripheral issues.
I joined NANFA because I'm a hobbyist. I'm really interested in collecting
reports, husbandry, and scientific information about fish. While I
appreciate an occasional political item, it becomes grueling to wade through
two dozen or so shoot from the hip e-mails about what people think about it.
I'm sure Chris could use material for American Currents. If someone really
feels strongly about an issue, then they might consider thinking about it
for awhile, organizing their thoughts, and submitting it as an editorial to
American Currents.
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