My bottom line is: we find a way to accommodate members who like to chat and
express themselves as well as those of us who only have the time for fish
posts. If people want a chat room, than so much the better. If not, we
should be able to provide them with an opinion-oriented e-mail list.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Crail" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 10:29 AM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- More on list protocol & IRC
> An IRC Chat room may suit this even better. It would be real time, 24x7.
I would be willing to provide technical support to get people up and running
on it (who need help beyond the FAQ), but we're going to have to give me
time to get all those ducks in a row. There may even be places already set
up that I'm not aware about. Chip?
> I vowed never again to grace the face of IRC (because I tend to turn it
into a huge consumer of time), but I can do it for a time to help nurture it
into existance.
> Even better, everyone would be required to have their superhero names :)
> Liquid, you still on here? Willing to give me a hand with that if there's
an interest? Anyone else IRC savvy?
> Farmertodd ;)
> Bob Bock <> wrote:
> I've been doing some more thinking on this topic. I know that some members
> founded an off topic list for freewheeling opinion discussions.
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