J.R. Gold, et al. 2004. Population structure and effective size in
critically endangered Cape Fear shiners, Notropis mekistocholas.
Southeastern Nat. 3: 89-102.
It indicates:
1) genetic diversity is comparable to that of other fish species
2) separate populations within the drainage may exist
3) reductions in effective population size may have occurred in 2/3
effective population sizes were estimated-in-1300-3000 - not huge but
well-above the benchmark number of 500 presumed necessary to maintain
"evolutionary potential" of a population.
And - speaking of fear - in the same issue :
Glaudas, X. 2004. Do cottonmouths (Agkistrodon piscivorus) habituate to
human confrontations ? Southeastern Nat. 3: 129-138.
This paper demonstrates that cottonmouths become "increasingly passive after
being handled over several days" but may recover their original defensive
behavior over time.
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