A fair number of list subscribers (and frequent participants) are not
members and this puzzles me. Membership costs very little and brings with
it both tangible and intangible benefits.
The tangible benefit is "American Currents." It is the only natural history
publication that addresses the interests of native fish enthusiasts-in-every
possible level of their involvement - whether they be armchair
ichthyologists, aquarists, amateur naturalists, or professional fish
biologists - and it does so in a way that is entertaining as well as
informative. I cannot think of any other magazine or journal that provides
such even-handed coverage of sturgeons, shad, salmonids, shiners, and
sunfishes. The thematic and taxonomic breadth of the AC is extraordinary,
and makes even a casual reader a "fish expert."
The intangible benefit is our contribution to (and eligibility for) the
Conservation Research and Corcoran Education Grants. What better way to
express an interest in native fishes than to help understand and promote
them ?
Please do not think of this post as a "commercial." Its a public service
More members in our organization means a broader readership for AC, more
secure funding for our grants programs, and brighter future for our native
fish fauna.
I hope that the subscribers who are not members will go to
and join today.
- Jan Hoover
Vicksburg, MS
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