> An IRC Chat room may suit this even better. It would be real time, 24x7. I
> would be willing to provide technical support to get people up and running on
> it (who need help beyond the FAQ), but we're going to have to give me time to
> get all those ducks in a row. There may even be places already set up that
> I'm not aware about. Chip?
Mark Barnett set up such a place for the NFC. Personally, I don't have time to
site in front of my computer-in-such-and-such a time. I leave for work early
and get home late. So email works best for me.
Charter member, DNRC
To me, it's a good idea to always carry two sacks of something when you walk
around. That way, if anybody says, "Hey, can you give me a hand?" You can say,
"Sorry, got these sacks."
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