Talk about sniper shots, Martin and Sorin... I'm sure you caught, but just
mentally misplaced when Chris said earlier...
"The NANFA site is hosted on a university server, and the university has a
rule against selling stuff via their server. Our server situation is
changing, though, and we're slowly but surely working out the kinks."
...was the reason we didn't go with Paypal, instead of what feels like
claims of incompetence and worthlessness?
Martin, you probably also remember (but again, temporarilly mentally
misplaced) that this was the start of the requests on the BOD list to move
to a paid hosting service that wouldn't cause throttling on features and
would facilitate a development environment where the two folks who were
willing to volunteer to do online applications programing, were
Or... are we just trying to make up for a lousy day, and get your digs in
someone else, and make a new distraction while we're honestly INVESTIGATING
solving this problem for you all? This curmudgeondry and selfishness knows
no bounds!
"Kick the cat" someplace else please, if the latter is the case.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Irate Mormon" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:52 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Membership and paypal
> Quoting pinocchio <>:
> I brought this up about 2 years ago. Nobody else on the BOD thought it
was a
> very good idea.
> > It is quite simple. Since we mail a check to Chris,
> > someone from BOD or Chris can open a paypal account
> > and just pay online! A non-merchant
> > account-in-paypal is free. No hassles no sweat!
> --Irate
> Charter member, DNRC
> To me, it's a good idea to always carry two sacks of something when you
> around. That way, if anybody says, "Hey, can you give me a hand?" You can
> "Sorry, got these sacks."
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