Re: NANFA-- Black Hets./Black Mollies
Mysteryman (
Sat, 15 May 2004 14:49:22 -0700
> What is sad is how many fishes are lost during each step of the
supply chain. I
> would bet a 1932s quarter that fewer than 20% of fishes make it from source to
> destination (home aquarium). How many live past the year mark? <1%. The
> numbers are worse for marines.
I'm not sure I believe that. It's just too staggering. 80% losses are no
way to run a business or an industry. Don't get me wrong; it probably
wasn't very long ago when those numbers were accurate, but I HAVE to
belive that things are better today than that. They have to be with all
the advances we've made, don't they? ( please say yes )
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