Re: NANFA-- Black Hets./Black Mollies

Ty Hall (
Sun, 16 May 2004 09:52:18 -0500

I agree, but (there's always a but!) I don't find this that far off topic. The
health of and activity in the pet trade, even as it mostly applies to Tropicals,
is of importance to all of us. It affects our ability to buy supplies we need to
support our hobby of keeping fish, regardless of their place of origin.
Regulations, as discussed, also have impact to the keeping of fish, again
regardless of their home of origin. I think the main point is that this has
remained free from personal attacks, propoganda and other weird tangients. That's
the way we should always strive to act.


njz wrote:

> Just for the record, this thread, which has changed mind you, has gone on
> for several days (and almost 30 posts), with no "net-nannies" or "BOD" or
> "professionals" or "acedemics" or "power hungry intellectual wanna bees" (my
> wordings) interfering with this off topic thread. So, for all of us who
> feel that this club is not suiting everyones' needs, please don't forget
> this in future rants and raids on the volunteers who are doing their best to
> make this an enjoyable experience. Deal? (rhetorical question)
> Nick Zarlinga
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