NANFA-- Sunday collecting and a probelm
Sun, 16 May 2004 18:39:29 EDT
I hauled my buns out of bet this morning-in-05:00 to go and try to collect a
few redfin pickerel. I arrived-in-about 05:45-in-my favorite pickerel place
only to find the owner had the gate locked. I hadn't called him ahead of time to
leave it open and I thought it was too early to knock on his door so I did my
collecting in a short stretch of stream not fenced in. I caught several
gambusias even the melanistic type and one pirate perch. I also caught three redfin
pickerel much to my surprise. It just goes to show you the early bird gets
the fish!
I have a big problem guys, I bought a new dog for my wife. She always
wanted either a Tennessee walker hound or a blood hound so when she pointed out a
dog in the pound that was a mix of these two dogs I bit the bullet and went
down to the pound and bought it. Much to my surprise the dog turned out to love
water and to chew and other wise destroy every plant and tree in my ponds. he
even destroyed the ponds. He is a very smart and lovable dog but he also
loves to eat my bonsai cypress and water tupelo. he has destroyed a stand of thin
cattails and dwarf cattails and part of my water irises. The fish all jumped
put or were killed when the ponds drained dry. He destroyed my water maple, my
Carolina bay and several mangrove trees I had going. In other words year of
love, effort, and growth are now gone. Of course my first thought was to find
the dog as nice home somewhere on a farm out in the swamp but I have been vetoed
completely. How do you keep a dog out of ponds ( a hound dog ) He has
destroyed so much stuff I have lost count, my blue spotted sunfish pond, my redfin
pickerel pond that I was stocking and the pond I was fixing up for black banded
sunfish. MY wife put her foot down and said I wasn't going to get rid of her
dog, I would just have to figure out some way of protecting the ponds. I do
have one old swimming pool that is too tall (3' by 12' ) he probably couldn't
jump into. I might have room for three of these ponds (assuming they) work. What
combination of fish could be raised in each of 3' by 12' ponds? I don't have
room for much more than this so says the boss. I am-in-a loss as to what to do.
I have been trying to raise redfin pickerel, black banded sunfish, blue
spotted sunfish, banded sunfish, lined killifish, along with least killifish,
gambusia, speckled madtoms, and I was thinking of trying to get a few specimens of
orange spotted sunnies. The redfins, the black bandeds, and the blue spots are
a must. How do you train a dog not to get into ponds and destroy everything
in them? help me out here guys!
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