Re: NANFA-- It just wasn't my day. Also, a mystery.

Mysteryman (
Mon, 17 May 2004 12:38:53 -0700

Mark wrote:
> At 8:36 PM -0700 5/16/04, Mysteryman wrote:
> >...No, no Rainbows. There werre, however, more of the species I had seen
> >before, and one new one which blew me away.
> >The water was quite clear, and right down the middle of the creek were
> >four fish nests. Guarding each nest was a glorious fish I still haven't
> >been able to identify.
> >This mystery fish was a sight to see. For starters, the colors were
> >amazing. This fish had a metallic golden dorsal keel ( back ) which
> >reflected the sun like crazy. The body was a bright, vivid yellow. But
> >wait, there's more! It also had a series of vertical bands which were
> >pink and red! The Caudal fin was wide and kind of stubby, and a
> >brilliant scarlet red! The shape of the fish was unusual as well. This
> >was no minnow. It was very deep-bodied, that is, tall, and it didn't so
> >much swim as swiftly waddle. It looked for all the world like some sort
> >of big pupfish! It was about 3 inches long and about half that tall.
> >When I first saw it, I seriously thought that it was some sort of
> >Nothobranchius african Killie! Next I thought it was some sort of
> cichlid...
> Try one of the Luxilus shiners. I don't know what you have in your
> area, but things like:
> Luxilus albeolus (Jordan) - white shiner
> Luxilus cardinalis (Mayden) - cardinal shiner
> Luxilus cerasinus (Cope) - crescent shiner -
> Luxilus chrysocephalus Rafinesque - striped shiner
> Luxilus coccogenis (Cope) - warpaint shiner
> Luxilus cornutus (Mitchill) - common shiner -
> Luxilus pilsbryi (Fowler) - duskystripe shiner |
> Luxilus zonatus (Agassiz) - bleeding shiner -
> Luxilus zonistius Jordan - bandfin shiner

> Will you be-in-the convention?

No, it wasn't any of those, but now that you mention it, Luxilus does
seem to fit the bill regarding body and fin shape. However, I doubt that
something this spectacular could have gone unnoticed for so long if it
were a Luxilus of any sort. Man, I wish I had a camera with a telephoto
lens. Then I could have shown you guys a picture.

Hey, anybody feel like a road trip to Franklin, Alabama, which is
between Camden and Monroeville? Hmmm.. Monroeville...isn't there a
nanfan who calls himself Boo Radley? Maybe he would know.

Today is my last day off, so I can't go back again for a few weeks.
However, if you hurry, maybe one of you can go check out this fish. It
would be worth the trip; it really is a sight to behold.
The directions:
Step one: get a Delorme map of Alabama. You won't have a prayer without
Step two: Look-in-grid E-1 for Beaver creek, off hwy 41.
Pay attention to the contour lines. The creek is pretty much-in-the
bottom of the gorge. If you see a little road to the west with a weight
limit of 5 tons, then head back south about a half mile or so.

There are two creeks. One is a tiny little ditch with a cement culvert
pipe going under the road. The east side has a bunch of fish, the west
side is devoid of fish. It's hard to spot, but still easier than the big
creek. Once you find the little creeck, head south about another 1/4
mile. Go slow, and keep your eyes peeled for either a reflection of
water on the west side or a gap in the trees. The creek is a good 25
feet down below the road, so it's hard to see.
Lokk on the east side of the creek, and just a little upstream you'll
see the nests and the fish.
Naturally, they won't be nesting there for very long, so speed is of the
essence. Take a good camera with high zoom or a cast net with a
reeeeaaalllly long rope. If by chance you are a mountain climber who can
figure out how to get down to the water, you will be richly rewarded for
your effort.
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