NANFA-- A ban on keeping fish?
Wed, 19 May 2004 16:28:37 +0000

Moon said:

> there are people out there who think that keeping of fish
> in aquariums should illegal in any form.

Other than the PETA nuts, who are these people? Please cite me specific examples, websites, etc.

> Someone in power looking for a way to show his constituents
> that he is doing something and a whisper from someone who is
> against the keeping of fish altogether is all it takes for a law to
> be proposed.

If it were that easy for a "whisper" to affect legislation, then dams, pig farms, chemical plants, and lawn fertilizers would have been made illegal decades ago. I can't imagine any politician wanting to kill the billion dollar aquarium/pet industry and all the jobs that come with it.

> happened a few years ago but cooler heads stepped in to prevent it.

What happened a few years ago? What did I miss?

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