RE: NANFA-- A ban on keeping fish?

Eggen, Jon (
Wed, 19 May 2004 12:22:58 -0500

There are people within the Indiana DNR that have a concern about the hobby
of collecting native fish for aquariums and think it needs to be looked at
and may consider legislation in the future. The spring Indiana Chapter of
the AFS had a symposium of sorts looking-in-Scientific Collection Permits
and the issue of "hobby collectors" was brought up.
I kept aquariums as a kid and still do and will encourage my kids to as
well. I also think that an aquarium is much more intellectually stimulating
when you go out into the habitat, see what is there, immerse yourself
(figuratively and literally) and collect the fish yourself compared to going
down to Boxmart and handing over 10 bucks for a fish you know nothing about
except that it looks cool. I don't have any problem with raising exotics if
they are not released but why bother when we have natives that even cooler.

Jon Eggen, Environmental Supervisor
Indiana Department of Natural Resources
402 W Washington St. Rm W264
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 232-4160
Fax (317) 233-4579

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 11:29 AM
Subject: NANFA-- A ban on keeping fish?

Moon said:

> there are people out there who think that keeping of fish
> in aquariums should illegal in any form.

Other than the PETA nuts, who are these people? Please cite me specific
examples, websites, etc.

> Someone in power looking for a way to show his constituents
> that he is doing something and a whisper from someone who is
> against the keeping of fish altogether is all it takes for a law to
> be proposed.

If it were that easy for a "whisper" to affect legislation, then dams, pig
farms, chemical plants, and lawn fertilizers would have been made illegal
decades ago. I can't imagine any politician wanting to kill the billion
dollar aquarium/pet industry and all the jobs that come with it.

> happened a few years ago but cooler heads stepped in to prevent it.

What happened a few years ago? What did I miss?


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