----Original Message Follows----
From: Moontanman-in-aol.com
Reply-To: nanfa-in-aquaria.net
To: nanfa-in-aquaria.net
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Blufin killies
Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 08:59:12 EDT
In a message dated 5/19/04 8:45:21 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
crin-in-glassmaster.com writes:
> David,
> Dustin will be leading a trip towards the Charleston area (SC coast) and
> collecting in both fresh and brackish water. Fritz will be leading a
> to the upstate (Greenville area and above) of SC and possibly into NC.
> There will probably be two additional trips to choose from, one led by
> and another by Gerald Pottern. Still need to do a bit of scouting for
> these.
Which trip will be most likely to yield dwarf sirens or mudpuppies and who
will be snorkeling?
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