> I disagree Chris, there are people out there who think that keeping of fish
> in aquariums should illegal in any form. To the these people snake heads can
> indeed be used to influence the unknowing uncaring people that all aquarium
> fish pose a threat.
I'm guessing you mean PETA and other like-minded folk? Has anyone seen that
show, "Animal Cops" or whatever it's called? Just imagine if their authority
were extended to aquaria.
In a way I agree with Chris's comment, but when I apply the same logic to
another group with which I identify (I won't name it because it always gets
people upset), and which deals with a basic constitutional right, then I find
that they are 100% correct - the sky IS falling. Environmentalists aren't
always wrong about the severity of the threat either.
Ray and Moon's viewpoint is more cynical than my own, BUT they are entirely
correct that there are some people who would gleefully ban aquarium keeping.
"The things go crazy - They know that they are going to their doom.", haha.
Charter member, DNRC
I think I understand the true meaning of diversity. If I attack traditional
values it's "free speech." If I attack the protected groups it's "hate speech."
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