The Bush Administration and many state governments fear that highly
predatory snakeheads, some with the ability to travel overland to new water
bodies, coupled with the high probability of liberation of aquarium and
food-fish specimens into US waters, pose a serious threat to aquatic
ecosystems. (Is this not the same kind of fear -- fear of probable attack --
used to justify the war on Iraq?)
Others fear that the ban on snakeheads will eventually lead to the banning
of all tropical aquarium fishes.
Anyway, I've enjoyed this discussion. It's been civil, level-headed, and
polite. It didn't turn into a heated argument that got personal. And why
should it? If we were discussing this over beers in a bar, we would likely
say the same things we said here and not get into a fight. I'd say my piece,
take a swallow of beer. You'd retort, take a swallow of beer. And so on.
Then we'd go throw darts.
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