I am involved with a Boy Scout camp in Plymouth, MA. The camp is
located in a classic Sand Plain/Pine Barrens ecosystem. There are many
coastal plain ponds in and around the camp. Banded Killifish (F.
diaphanus) is the only native "minnow" (in laymen's terms) in these
lakes and ponds. The other species in the area Largemouth Bass
(introduced), Yellow Perch (native), Pumpkinseeds (native), Bluegills
(introduced), Chain Pickerel (native), Brown Bullheads (native),
American Eel (native) and a few ponds have Swamp Darters (native).
I am wondering if there is anything that can be done to bolster the
killifish populations? I have no data that suggests a decline in the
killi populations. (I do have a feeling that I don't see as many killis
now as in the past.) It could be a good project for the scouts and way
to introduce the native fish conservation to them.
Thank you,
Brian Bastarache
Natural Resources Mgt Program
Bristol Co. Agricultural School
Dighton, MA
----- Original Message Follows -----
> If I'm not mistaken (and I have been a time or two in the past) I
> think some or most states regulations in regards to the banning of
> snakeheads say-in-some point that possessing channa is illegal WITHOUT
> A PERMIT. That is what I read in the SC rules about snakeheads. I
> wonder what would be involved in getting a permit to keep them?
> Chip in SC
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Scharpf
> Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:09 AM
> To: nanfa-in-aquaria.net
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- fwd: Snakehead or bowfin?
> Well, Ray, I guess it all comes down to fear.
> The Bush Administration and many state governments fear that highly
> predatory snakeheads, some with the ability to travel overland to new
> water bodies, coupled with the high probability of liberation of
> aquarium and food-fish specimens into US waters, pose a serious threat
> to aquatic ecosystems. (Is this not the same kind of fear -- fear of
> probable attack -- used to justify the war on Iraq?)
> Others fear that the ban on snakeheads will eventually lead to the
> banning of all tropical aquarium fishes.
> Anyway, I've enjoyed this discussion. It's been civil, level-headed,
> and polite. It didn't turn into a heated argument that got personal.
> And why should it? If we were discussing this over beers in a bar, we
> would likely say the same things we said here and not get into a
> fight. I'd say my piece, take a swallow of beer. You'd retort, take a
> swallow of beer. And so on.
> Then we'd go throw darts.
> Chris
> --
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