NANFA-- Closed Aquarium System
Mark (
Fri, 21 May 2004 23:35:58 -0400
Thinking about this ecosystem concept -- Is it possible to actually
create a closed, self-cleaning system? I'm thinking about a
distillation setup to remove excess nutrients from the water.
Natural systems get flushed out with rains from time to time which
carry away dissolved nutrients. Rain is essentially
distilled/evaporated and recondensed water. How 'bout a reservoir
that accepts water from the aquarium via an overflow that isolates it
from exchange with the tank water. A submersible heater in the
reservoir to create vapor (it's a closed chamber). A coil running
through this chamber that circulates chilled water, chilled by a
thermoelectric unit like the IceProbe. Water vapor condenses on the
coil and is collected and returned to the tank. The dissolved
nutrients are retained in the evaporation chamber where they can
accumulate without contaminating the aquarium water. What kind of
easily obtainable parts could be fitted into something like this?
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