NANFA-- Convention Collecting Trips

Dustin Smith (
Wed, 26 May 2004 10:33:57 -0400

After some requests I thought I would outline the trips for the convention
so that you can mull it over some:

1) Charleston area
Highlight spp:
Golden topminnow
Striped killifish
Sheepshead minnow
Rainwater killifish
Marsh killifish
Bluefin killifish
Sailfin molly
Least killifish
Bluespotted sunfish
Yellowfin shiner
Lowland shiner
Blackbanded darter
Poss. Dwarf mudpuppy

2) NW Mountain region
Highlight spp:
Fieryblack shiner
Yellowfin(redfinned) shiner
Rosyside dace
Rosyface chub
Seagreen darter
Turquoise darter
Poss more depending on time

3) Sandhills area
Highlight spp:
Blackbanded sunfish
Bluespotted sunfish
Banded pygmy sunfish
Lined topminnow
Greenfin shiner
Coastal shiner
Swamp darter
Sawcheek darter
Poss. Fieryblack shiner

4) Piedmont area
Highlight spp:
Greenfin, Yellowfin, Sandbar, Spottail, Swallowtail shiners
Margined madtom
Seagreen darter
Piedmont darter
Rosyside dace
May hit another drainage on this one, depending on time

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