>And another one... Are gilt darters listed or imperilled in NC? Will we see
>them in SC?
>These are two Ohio fish species that are either way in decline (rsd) or just
>plain gone (gilt). I'd like to get shots, either way, and hope that if they
>are listed as hands off, someone has a science and ed permit that I can get
>a 5 minute moratorium for Educational photos... but I don't wanna cause a
>ruckus ;)
Maybe you should come down US Hwy. 23 for a layover in Kingsport, TN on the
way to Columbia. Gilt darters are not listed in either TN or VA. There are
several places I see gilt darters almost every snorkeling trip. I caught
one for my home tank last year. Cool little fish!
Ranger Bob
Kingsport, TN
"The power of humans to degrade the natural world is awesome; the
capability to reconstitute it later is mythical."
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