Re: NANFA-- mosquito control fish

Todd Crail (
Sun, 30 May 2004 20:33:18 -0400

The fabulous central mudminnow, Umbra limi.

Voracious, fiesty, unbelieveably tough, native to your area, and well, you
won't have to find an aquarium for them come winter. :)

You can sample some right inside Tippecanoe State Park. I don't have our
localities handy, but I can look it up for you (I think they got them-in-the
canoe camp). Also, Nick and I found a slack area off the main river channel
that _has to be_ loaded with them. We didn't sample it, but it was a
typical locality for the species. Drive all the way back to the nature
center, start walking south from the parking lot, on past some playground
equipment, and then you'll find yourself in a very slow moving channel, that
well, the only reason we didn't hit it was because we were too danged wet
and cold :)


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 5:39 PM
Subject: NANFA-- mosquito control fish

> What type of fish will live in low oxygen water (no aeration), outside (so
> will reach high temperatures) and eat mosquito larvae?
> I am guessing gambusia will. Any others? Florida Flag Fish? A small
> fish would be preferable.
> Chuck Church
> Indianapolis, Indiana USA
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