The only one I don't understand is Eastern Mudminnow. What's the story there??
Are mudminnows commonly used as bait?
> > Are there many other N.American fish that have taken hold in foreign
> waters?
> Threadfin shad.
> Coho salmon.
> Sockeye salmon.
> Chinook salmon.
> Atlantic salmon.
> Brook trout.
> Rainbow trout.
> Eastern mudminnow.
> Fathead minnow.
> Brown bullhead.
> Channel cat.
> Mosquitofish.
> Sailfin molly.
> Striped bass.
> Rock bass.
> Green sunfish.
> Bluegill.
> Redear sunfish.
> Spotted bass.
> Smallmouth bass.
> Largemouth bass.
> Yellow perch.
> Likely many others.
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Charter member, DNRC
I think I understand the true meaning of diversity. If I attack traditional
values it's "free speech." If I attack the protected groups it's "hate speech."
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/ reflect the beliefs or goals of the North American Native Fishes
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