Re: NANFA-- Milfoil Update/Wintering Pond Plants

Bruce Stallsmith (
Fri, 17 Nov 2000 10:49:51 EST

I'm impressed with your cultural lessons, Jeff. Especially the fact that
your Cabomba regenerates better from pieces with terminal buds; this makes
sense, because these buds should contain apical meristems, the concentrated
areas of permanently embryonic cells that can differentiate into any cells
and tissues that a plant needs. I look forward to the new AC, even if you've
learned more since...

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL

>The species that I am bagging up are M. farwellii, Megaladonta beckii,
>Utricularia macrorhiza (syn U. vulgaris) U. gemniscarpa & U. intermedia.
>I've also pulled the Cabomba and cut off about 4 - 6 inches of the
>newest growth to store in similar fashion because I've noticed that it
>tends to replentish better from peices with terminal buds that reside in
>deeper water than the plants themeslves.

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