>Here's some background on that photo for the rest of you. We made a photo
>tank out of a 2 gallon octagonal fish tank. There was airline hole in the
>bottom center (I don't know why; I guess to aerate the water or something),
>so we used chewing gum to plug the hole. Then Chris added gravel and
>submerged plants from the collection site and took that great photo (with a
>great deal of patience).
Actually, that gravel was already in the tank. As others have pointed out to me,
that photo is flawed by the aquarium gravel. Oh well. You'll have to take me out
again, Jay, to take a better photo! :-)
I did snap a LOT of photos on a cloudy day through a scratched octagonal fish
tank while lying on my belly on the side of the road while cars and trucks
whizzed by me. I took some video of that mudminnow, too. When I showed that
video at the NANFA convention in Illinois the summer before last, I remember
Larry Page rising up in his seat and saying, "Wow, what a spectacular fish!"
> Anyway, Ithink that by taking and sharing that picture Chris can only
> help that fish in gaining public awareness and appreciation.
> Each of us can do something.
Nicely put, Jay. Thanks.
Henry asked:
>Is this one of the only specimens ever caught, is it that
>rare or is this just the only picture ever taken of one?
The Olympic mudminnow, while uncommon and living in a restricted and scattered
range, is not rare. Few people have taken photos of living specimens. An
exception is the book A NET FULL OF NATIVES by Tom Baugh, which has several
Novumbra photos which put my effort to shame.
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